Sunday, January 24, 2010

Somethings you just can't muscle

You know..   I was spouting off some advice to a friend tonight that I actually had never heard come from me before. I think it was more advice to myself than to him, as it always is. They say we teach what we most need to learn...  Knowing this I listen closely to myself.

I was telling him that I thought anyone would get overwhelmed thinking that they were solely responsible to have the answers. They might mistakenly think they have to read every book under the son and "know" and be "informed" on everything...  ( I do this)  As a human being it's true, we are bound by time and space. There is only so much time in a day to shovel information into the brain...

Lucky for us.. we aren't really real. We are simply manifestations or ideas of the IS. You know? What we do here on earth is not really us doing it. It is our egos. It is our idea of who we are doing all these things. So fill your head all you want with information but please know that ego has no power.  Or maybe it does.. but limited to time and space. (I'm not quite clear on this)

The IS is the collective consciousness. It is from which everything comes. All information already resides there. Every thought that will be thought or has been thought is already there. (or here)

So instead of really trying hard to accumulate as much information as you can and risking the probability of cluttering your head and clouding your vision. Instead of doing that....   simply allow what already exists to come through you.  Be receptive. Be open. Be clear, not cluttered.

There is a time for study.. but not to the detriment of the goal. Paralysis by analysis is a real condition. Know that what you have is enough. Enough to get started down your path. Trusting and knowing that you will be able to handle anything that comes your way.

Being vulnerable is a strength, I have come to learn. (Thanks Tim) Be a soldier... know that you can handle anything that comes your way...   and furthermore know that anything that does come your way is a gift to you. Some great gift disguised as some sort of challenge...  some sort of suffering...  some sort of inconvenience.  So trudge on...  not only trust that you will be able to handle anything.. but take it a step further and really welcome anything.. as it is the path to enlightment and greatness.

Or not.

Or keep yourself an itty bitty manifestation of the IS.

It's all up to you.. it's your trip.


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