Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am going to heal my son, I am going to heal my son

That is what I hear continually from my friend who's little boy has autism. I guess every time I hear him say that.. I kind of wince. I had to take a look at why I was bothering myself by that statement.

Well... truth be told:  I don't think he can heal his son. What I mean by that is that I don't think he, himself has that power over someone else. I think the things he does can greatly influence whether his son decides whether he wants to participate in this realm more fully, more consciously... but I don't really think my friend within himself has special healing powers that he can say, "alacazam".

I do however believe that there are Universal healing powers available to all of us. I do believe that the healing energy exists, not only out there somewhere, but inside as well. Think about it for a minute... what exactly would I be like without my life force. I would be an empty cold shell.

So I believe that since I am an empty cold shell without my life force that the healing powers do not come from me: the shell, but come through me from the Universe... from God.  The extent of how much I allow to flow through depends on how much I allow to flow through literally. I don't have to allow the healing energy to flow through me.. in fact, I can block it at will. I can disallow it. I can do this by thinking, thinking, thinking....  and relying solely on my own knowledge from the very minimal amount of information I have accumulated over a lifetime.

 I can solve problems with my thinking brain from the limited amount of knowledge I have accumulated... or I can defer to Universal power that contains all knowledge and all truth. I can simply trust that it is available to me when I need it.

As far as healing someone with a developmental diffability....   hmmmm....   I do believe that the human body.. the shell, has some differences that make it quite challenging for the spirit to come out... to express itsself fullly. Perhaps the shell... the human body's sensory system makes it almost unbearable to just be. It's much cozier in spirit world for some... the threat potential is low in a world that you can only access through rhythmic meditation... or "isming."

So maybe it's an issue of becoming inviting... so inviting to our children with these special challenges that they are willing to go through the pain of residing in their human bodies just to connect with us. Spirit to spirit.

So as you (the Universal spirit through your human body) become irresistable to your child... to my child. So as I become safe and easy.... and enjoyable to be around... (present)  I believe his spirit will be drawn out.  As his spirit is drawn out... as he leaves his comfort zone.. his coccoon in order to connect with you... your spirit... the healing powers will come through him and he will heal himself.

I think of it as a fiber optic cable.  There is one source of light and it runs through each little cable making it appear as if each little leg of the cable is a separate light, when in fact it is one light source... and many extensions of that light source.

Anyway... those are my thoughts for the day. Did that make sense to anyone?



  1. Why in Gods name are you not writing a book my wise are so talented with the gift of word! You should compile every post on this blog and make it into a book. Everyday is an insightful day for you! Take a year and put this in book form. Sorry just my 2 cents

  2. I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you are talking about me. Well I have to agree with you on some level. When I say that, “I am going to heal my son” I say it knowing full well those seven words don’t convey the depth and breadth of what I truly mean. I am not attached to an outcome anymore…I accept him for who he is but I still have the goal of doing my part to create an environment for him so he can heal… and he does need to heal…his gut alone can and will be healed and since I cook the food that will accomplish this that alone makes my statement very real and something I can accomplish. Perhaps I should say “I am going to do my part in creating an environment in which my son can reach his full potential” but that doesn’t empower me as much. I find comfort in saying “I’m going to heal my son”. I know and understand the complexities of the situation and how simplistic my statement is but in knowing and recognizing the two I feel comfortable saying it.
    As for where the healing power comes from…well no one knows for sure…we all have our beliefs on that. I don’t think it matters but we do have it and that’s what is behind the belief that I can heal my son. Even if I can’t I am going to wake up everyday and search for a way to do it. “I am going to heal my son” is reaffirming hope. Hope is everything. Hope leads to growth and action and most importantly to love and acceptance. Saying “I am going to heal my son” for the past 6 years has brought me to the place I am now and if that’s not some kick ass power I don’t know what is.
