Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So... you know I blinked and woke up one day and realized that I was old. Where did the time go? You can't stop the old... or can you?

Well.... I was at the gym doing an exercise that was timed for 60 seconds on the clock. There is a digital clock up on the wall in the abs room and I was watching it intently. I couldn't believe how long one stinking minute was taking. I was watching, watching, watching.....   I couldn't believe it.

Then there is that saying, "A watched pot never boils." So true. It takes like forever.

This is time. Precious time that you can't otherwise find in the day... there it is taking forever when you least want it to.

So what gives?

I figured this out. I was daydreaming, daydreaming, daydreaming distracted by my thoughts. The thoughts that jump from one channel to the other by default. Without any kind of effort or focus.. there they are jumping around unbridled. While I was doing my next set of 60 second timed intervals. This time.. the minute was over in a flash. A flash... no time at all. Blink. Done.

So I experimented.. One time watching the clock being totally and completely present and one time... just letting my thoughts run amuck as usual.

I was present then not present. Present, then not present.

Time was in slow motion... then time was a flash. Day and night. Awake (literally and spiritually), then asleep.

So I figured this from this experimen: If you want to enjoy your life; really make time stand still....  be present. If you want your life to be over in a flash... spend most of your days lost in your thoughts and concerned about the future.

It's that simple. If you don't have enough time... it's simply because YOU are not there. So stay here.. engage and fully commit to every moment. There is no such thing as tomorrow. There is only this moment.. there is only today. Enjoy.
