Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holy Miracle

You know... sometimes I am so blessed.

I went to another somber teacher conference..  same old song and dance. No effort. Doesn't care. Abrasive... rude..   disrespectful. Same old song and dance. Did I say that already? It's hard to separate the parenting from the child.  I know I am doing what I can, this also leads me to beleive my boy is also doing what he can. Even if all he can do is agree to show up and sit there with his hair covering his eyes.

It's not easy to go to a job that you are failing at every day. It doesn't feel so hot.

This is where I panic and waver and flip flop.  My one side... my badass old school side says throw his rear in military school. He just needs a firm hand. The other side of me says... love is the answer. Son-rise is the answer...  give him the nurturing environment...  bond through unconditional acceptance and INSPIRE him to come out of his shell. Soften him up a bit by giving him the control in the relationship and influence him to want to do better.

I feel like my boy is in full protection/defense mode.

I prayed. I prayed then smiled. I knew the answer was on the way. Faith is what works. Not once in a while... every single time. Faith works. Belief that the Universe wants to help.

This is where the miracle happened. A true miracle that any of you who knows me won't believe.

I was really fretting....  trying to figure out the answer.. How can we fix this? Time is running out! My boy is 15. Life is going to hit him hard if we don't prepare him. It's OUR responsibilty to prepare him for life...   military school? boot camp? .....  It's only when I calmed down that the answer came to me like a water droplet into my brain straight out of the universal pool of intelligence...............

 I know:  NLP!!!!!

Yes... NLP. (neuro-linguistic programming)  I have read about it..  I heard about it. I know of several  people whom I admire and respect that practice it.

There was a course in it through the community education office that I missed. I couldn't make the class because I was working the evenings it was scheduled. I don't give up easily. I contacted the Community Education office and asked them to contact the instructor for me. I told the lady from the office about the struggles I was having at home between my boy and me.  She called the instructor and within an hour or two.. he called me.

He is able to offer counseling or NLP or both to us through his office in the next town over for a reduced fee. It turns out that he needs to accumulate enough hours in this state since he just moved here to accept our insurance so he is looking for people to counsel! 

Get this people...  this is where I get waves of chills over and over..  When I asked him directions to his office he told directions to his business:  Vision Quest Counseling could be found at his website!

Did you hear me? Vision Quest Counseling!!!!  It turns out he has been a counselor on the reservation for 13 years and named his business after Bear Butte where they do all of the Vision Quests!!!

Good things are going to happen. I don't just think it:  I KNOW it!



  1. It is meant to be. That's just a crazy coincidence or is it?

    Good luck with the counseling. Keep us posted on how it goes.


  2. Wow. I even got chills. That is really crazy! But a good crazy of course!!!!
