Saturday, January 23, 2010

Holy crap I just figured it out!

OK people. Listen Up. I just friggin' figured out the answers to life's problems.

Let's all agree that Happiness is a Choice. Meaning that happiness does not exist outside of us. We can not find happiness in anything outside of us. Right? Right.

So... when I feel a phsiological pain in my body.. which feels similar to staples pulsing through my veins..  this is uncomfortable. I am not happy. This happens to me ALL the time. I get physical urges for any kind of food that will produce a quick relief to my discomfort.

Has that brought me any kind of real happiness?


So if I say to myself...  the answer does not lie outside of me. Then I can be certain that food is not really a fix at all.

I am empowered to know that with 100% accuracy that I can change how I feel by how I think.

I am not a victim to these urges. I can absolutely bring myself happiness from within. Relief from within.

Ha.... Life is so good.


  1. I never quite saw this... urge.. this need ... this discomfort as unhappiness before. So I dialogue myself.. what am I believing about this situation which is causing me to feel this way, which is triggering a physiological response? What am I believing? What am I believing... and if so.. is that what I want to continue to believe?

    Practice, practice, practice.
