Saturday, January 16, 2010


As Rick Ross Ph.D. defines it.. addiction is depence on anything outside of yourself... and as somebody else put it.. maybe Brian Tracy.. not sure, "You can't be interdependent until you are independent."

Well, I want to be interdependent.. as that is the path to success.

Now I have a good reason to give up my dependence on food for fulfillment.

I am not independent until I give up my dependence on food. Not completely... you know, I still need to eat.. but I certainly don't NEED or want to stuff anymore. Like not whatsoever. Like... not at all.

Freedom was my number one value... even though Anthony Robbins made some implication that if you have freedom as a top value then you are most likely rigid and inflexible...  hmm... wonder why that is?

Anyway... freedom cannot exist with dependency, can it? It's like a self-inflicted bondage.

Can security and freedom exist together?  Safe from something other than what is going on right now.. and yet free to do whatever you want.

Ha.... the dependency gives an illusion of safety and security from the thought or feeling that may be too painful to feel, but in reality it is the source of the pain. It is the bondage... 

What is a life without limits..  sounds pretty scary to me. It is a fear of my own power. It's true. A fear that I am somehow a danger to myself if fully unrestrained. 

So this is what addiction is about. Interesting.


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