Sunday, February 7, 2010

How is this good for me?

I had a rough week.. but I knew that it was going to create a shift in perspective. I knew it was going to create a shift in my thinking... a much needed shift.  I knew it was a mountain; a challenge for me. I knew it was for my growth and even through the self-created suffering I knew deep down that change was necessary, welcomed, and ultimately inevitable.

I realized all that my husband does for us. I realized how hard he works and how much I take for granted the luxuries of our lifestyle. My head is out of the sand now and I have a new eyes.

All of this came about quite rapidly, but I think my life is aligning the way it is supposed to. I feel it.

I have decided to join the Army if they will take me. I want to take care of my family for once. It's not necessary as my husband is a great provider, but I want to. I want to give back to him, what he has given to me. All in all, I should be able to retire when I am 55 and sit out on Golden Pond writing a best-selling book.

There are a lot of stars in the sky that have to align for me to meet the age requirements and get the career field I want. This may be a long range plan that begins with service in the National Guard and moves to active duty. Ultimately I would prefer to enter as an officer if possible which would require me to finish my degree first and get it done quickly enough to meet the age cut off for entry.

Please say some prayers for us..  so that it will all work out the way I imagined or better.
Cheers to Happy Sunday!


  1. The ARMY? Come back to the Air Force!!

  2. Sorry Jess.. Air Force is my first love, but I am past the age requirements for prior service.


  3. Maaan, that's crazy! We definitely could have traded you for all of the old crusty MSGTs that have been in 30 years. :(
